
Uplifting Conversation

Looking for uplifting, fun conversation starters for your family of loved ones? Ask each member of your family one of the questions below each day to learn something new about each other. Ask everyone to answer and then discuss/explain his/her answer. Encourage each member to think of a new question to add to the list, so that you can keep the conversation going! Remember be creative and have fun!

Here are sample questions to get you started:

  • What song best describes you? Substitute song for dessert, vacation, mammal, flower, etc.
  • If you were to create your own ice cream flavor what would it be?
  • What would your favorite sandwich contain?
  • If you could choose any profession what would it be?
  • Which historical figure do you relate to?
  • What is your favorite quote?
  • If you were able to own any kind of animal what animal would be your pet?
Categories: newsletter